
#157 by sprout evergarden
on 2024-08-14 18:08:42
hello somthing i odd it says i have no profile.

#155 by ashe kytori
on 2024-08-04 20:08:35

#154 by kalliecelestial skydancer
on 2024-06-09 19:06:32

#153 by sarahjane footman
on 2024-05-19 07:05:04

#152 by danijade dagostino
on 2024-04-21 18:04:54
Hi everyone

#151 by danijade dagostino
on 2024-04-21 18:04:47
Hi everyone

#157 by sprout evergarden
on 2024-08-14 18:08:42
hello somthing i odd it says i have no profile.

#155 by ashe kytori
on 2024-08-04 20:08:35

#154 by kalliecelestial skydancer
on 2024-06-09 19:06:32

#153 by sarahjane footman
on 2024-05-19 07:05:04

#152 by danijade dagostino
on 2024-04-21 18:04:54
Hi everyone

#151 by danijade dagostino
on 2024-04-21 18:04:47
Hi everyone
Login to whinny

Pony Polo at FFF Stadium (Polo)

on 2011-01-07 at Frilly Filly Farm

FFF will be hosting a Pony Polo Competition on Friday, January 7 at FFF Stadium from 12-3 pm. The event will be individual entry, with teams drawn randomly. We ask that, in order to prevent lag at the event, you use the LM provided with this announcement, rather than the general FFF LM. We will be starting a Pony Polo league in the coming months with actual teams. Data gathered during these preliminary tournaments will be used in putting teams together. Hope to see you there.


Place Pony Name
1. Sadie.Aloix
2. Tashiana Ziplon
3. Jo.Ronin
4. Rioki.Feldragonne
5. katinka.teardrop
6. Zaphod.Plutonian
7. Silvie Elan
8. Janina.Martinek
9. Katrina.Velde
10. Daniella.Zenoria
11. angelwhisper.mistwalker