Random Pony

Hyska Resident
Hyska Resident


#157 by sprout evergarden
on 2024-08-14 18:08:42
hello somthing i odd it says i have no profile.

#155 by ashe kytori
on 2024-08-04 20:08:35

#154 by kalliecelestial skydancer
on 2024-06-09 19:06:32

#153 by sarahjane footman
on 2024-05-19 07:05:04

#152 by danijade dagostino
on 2024-04-21 18:04:54
Hi everyone

#151 by danijade dagostino
on 2024-04-21 18:04:47
Hi everyone

#157 by sprout evergarden
on 2024-08-14 18:08:42
hello somthing i odd it says i have no profile.

#155 by ashe kytori
on 2024-08-04 20:08:35

#154 by kalliecelestial skydancer
on 2024-06-09 19:06:32

#153 by sarahjane footman
on 2024-05-19 07:05:04

#152 by danijade dagostino
on 2024-04-21 18:04:54
Hi everyone

#151 by danijade dagostino
on 2024-04-21 18:04:47
Hi everyone
Login to whinny

Wild Ponygirls Slalom Event (Slalom)

on 2011-07-27 at Wild Ponygirls Stables

I\'m back and starting up doing events again, Next Wednesday July 27th @ 0800 SL TIME, I will host a slalom event. Please visit the small mall for any shopping needs, and if ANY vendor wishes to donate any items for prizes feel welcomed to do so. So ponies come on down and practice, the event will be on training PLatform # 1 ...most of you know how to get there and rez it.


Place Pony Name   Cup
1. katinka.teardrop   1. 1st place
2. Subus.Tremor   3. 3th place
3. AmberLee.Moonshadow   4. 4th place
4. Mica.Redangel   5. 5th place
5. Angelique.Redangel   6. 6th place
6. Hot2Trot.Calamity   7. 7th place
7. galfox.Resident   8. 8th place
8. Solange.Arun   9. 9th place
9. escladine Resident   10. 10th place