Random Pony

nvrloved daylight
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created by siennajessicamoon at 2024-01-12, 01:55
last reply: 2025-02-13, 07:06
Replies: 2
Hi i'm looking for a certain set of RLV pony mits but i cant remember the name of them and i was looking at them on market place a few months ago, i could describe them but it would be very vague
long latex sleeves
modifiable/hud colorable
have a restraint bar from the top of the sleeve to the boot of the hoof
i hope this is enough to go on and sorry if not
at 2024-01-12, 01:55
Do you mean RaS ones? https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/RaS-Mitten-Gloves/20934868
at 2025-01-30, 00:08
sinha hynes