Random Pony

indigo bowdit
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created by jamescable1286.Resident at 2020-06-07, 21:08
last reply: 2025-02-13, 06:45
Replies: 2
what does full time pony consist of. does it mean that i am a pony all the time? do i sleep in a stable? do i do it all, all the time?
at 2020-06-07, 21:08
jamescable1286 Resident
Hi, what it means to be a fulltime pony strongly varies depending on your owner or home sim. Some owners are very strict and take a more animalistic approach, but there's also sims and trainers where it lets the pony a bit more freedoms.
Full time does mean full time though, so indeed, sleeping in a stall or stable and being a pony Your entire time spent in SL.
at 2020-07-07, 23:56
Poweriess Resident