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Ritareena Resident


#157 by sprout evergarden
on 2024-08-14 18:08:42
hello somthing i odd it says i have no profile.

#155 by ashe kytori
on 2024-08-04 20:08:35

#154 by kalliecelestial skydancer
on 2024-06-09 19:06:32

#153 by sarahjane footman
on 2024-05-19 07:05:04

#152 by danijade dagostino
on 2024-04-21 18:04:54
Hi everyone

#151 by danijade dagostino
on 2024-04-21 18:04:47
Hi everyone

#157 by sprout evergarden
on 2024-08-14 18:08:42
hello somthing i odd it says i have no profile.

#155 by ashe kytori
on 2024-08-04 20:08:35

#154 by kalliecelestial skydancer
on 2024-06-09 19:06:32

#153 by sarahjane footman
on 2024-05-19 07:05:04

#152 by danijade dagostino
on 2024-04-21 18:04:54
Hi everyone

#151 by danijade dagostino
on 2024-04-21 18:04:47
Hi everyone
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SLPonyPlay Forum

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Do we need a forum?

created by sinha.hynes at 2014-08-31, 18:38
last reply: 2024-10-18, 04:06

Replies: 11

The answer is probably: no yes maybe.

I'll try to explain a few reasons to add a forum to the SLP website:

the Pony Info Group gets sometimes a bit swamped with notecards from people telling this or that. Some of the people who get them are not interested in that, some doesn't even get it due to SL being naughty and a few get them and read them. These few will have an opinion and if they feel it important they will reply, sending another notecard to the group (get back to the start here). But if everyone would send their notecards to the group we would be flooded and annoyed soon.

So this forum should take your opinion, about ponyplay, about rules, complaints, whatever. You can read it and answer even if you are not inworld, leave your message, reply to others later. The current function is very basic but if it seems to be used it might be extended and enhanced. For now we'll give it a test run and closely watch how it turns out.


One important request I have, but it's not limited to this forum only: Please please, pretty please, keep it drama free. Have fun, have your opinion but respect also other people's point of view.



at 2014-08-31, 18:38
sinha hynes

Well, I guess we could also discuss the Qualities of Cheese and it could need a forum.

But, Still this can be a good thing to have a sounding board about concerns, and issues in the pony play community. And

to be truthful there are more than people sometimes realize. Their are also good things and helpful things that can be discused

in this forum. As it stands I think we need to start working as a more cohesive group as Ponies, trainers, owners, Stable and sim



Cotton Candy

at 2014-09-01, 00:17
Tailmon1 Resident

It is possible that some of the more "involved" ponies will use this, but I have a sad feeling that those who currently feel most aggrieved may just see this as another of the ways the SL Ponyplay "establishment" have to enforce their views.

There seem to be many who are disaffected, but I am far from sure that they know why.  I just wish there could be a more cohesive view filtering down to us ponies.  The arguments at stable-owner/ senior trainer level are feeding this unrest, or so it seems to me.

I don't wish to be accused of causing drama, but this "cheating" issue will not go away.

Credit and thanks go to Sinha for setting this up.

Pony Ayesha

at 2014-09-01, 01:13
Ayesha Askham

I think talking and leaving a personal opinion about a issu is never wrong when you can keep it to the point not making it personal to others. In fact  when you do and listen curiouse what other thinks about it with a open mind we all benefit. For this the forum can be a way to solve problems and make things better. The first positive thing is that pony's and people get time to think there words over before they send it out to the world. Maybe it becoms the Solution Forem and i think you did good to try this Sinha thanks.


P.s. fun is allowed here to i hope and sending apples to Snowy is alway's allowed.

at 2014-09-01, 09:37
Nathalbox Resident

I wish that Snowy had been correct.  I am not sure I did think before I posted about "cheating" as it looks far too negative in retrospect.  As Snowy says fun is really the most important thing (after obedience to your owner/trainer, of course).  And, Snowy, you will get fat if you get too many apples!  Hmm....mind you that might beneifit us slow ponies!


NB Apples to: Snowy River @SL ponyplay.com!

at 2014-09-01, 19:30
Ayesha Askham

so far seems only a very few found the forum or thought it might be helpful :) Well, I'll watch and see. Maybe I'll even post provocative messages here.

And yes, all apples to Snowy, but she has a huge storage already (did I tell you about the cellar below sNr full of apples?)

at 2014-09-02, 00:30
sinha hynes

I wondered what that smell was at SnR!

at 2014-09-02, 01:16
Ayesha Askham

Well, Sinha

Your answer seems to be clear from the deafening silence.  No one gives flying @@@@!  I must say I am disappointed.  I thought those involved in SL Ponyplay were a bit more motivated to communicate. *sigh*.

at 2014-09-05, 01:13
Ayesha Askham

I think it is a bit soon to draw any conclusions from responses. I am sure many are still not aware of this forum. 


at 2014-09-06, 16:56
Daniella Zenoria

i think this forum is a wonderful idea. Often we miss discussions in groupchat cause we are offline, notecards don't work or you get spamed, lose overview and so on...

The forum also makes it possible to read older discussions again. i like the idea. If someone starts a discussion in groupchat or notecard it can be continued here for interested readers.

The more we use it the more other Ponies and Trainers know about it.

Thanks to Sinha for it.



at 2014-09-08, 21:21
Swenyia Chuwen

First of all, for all that might have some doubts if such a forum is a good idea: It is! ;-) Well I think so. There have been some discussions in the past that were difficult to follow with some conversation being "live" in online chat, some in NCs, ... . 

Of course much depends on people actually posting. I am not too sure how many know about the forum so far, but I'd think/hope that more people read than write for the moment. One way to push this might be the inworld group: Having short notes there, just pointing to this forum whenever anyone feels like raising a topic.

In any case I'll follow this forum, it is just one click away from other usual information on this site, in particular the event-calendar.

at 2014-09-09, 22:27