Random Pony
shaylaray23 Resident
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created by tibbis.foxclaw at 2016-07-13, 00:33
last reply: 2025-02-02, 15:47
Replies: 2
just a quick question are there any pony ao that are not allowed in compation
at 2016-07-13, 00:33
tibbis foxclaw
The rules as listed here can't be ever complete nor completely fair by the nature of SL. They are not fully bulletproof but they are done this way to not be a huge novel. We consider the SL pony-play community itself as a big team, a big family, and with that have a basic trust in everybody to provide as much fun to the community as possible. Timezones, technical limitations of SL, and much more uncertainties may make it hard in some cases but they should never be abused to the bad of other community members.
The following rules should be always kept in mind inside the pony community at any event, cup event or not:
- the standard pony behaviour always applies, ponies should be kind, attentive and obey the trainers, handlers and of course the event host
- ponies should visibly appear as such, that means head harness with a bit, hoofs and tail are a minimum requirement to participate
- participants and visitors should arrive before the event start if possible. Later arrivings and departings should wait for the clearance from the host
- hosts for events are asked for trying to arrange a broad variety of event time points, so every pony has the chance to participate
There have been requests and notices to not use Modified Pony AO's at some events. I can say that anyone with a tad bit of work can
Mod an AO with a different walk or jump that could give an advantage to them. Granted 99% of us are not willing to go to that extent
to win. The most Common AO's are often free like Kirin. Or are included with your pony boots like MD. The best most realistic AO is
Marine's Sassy Pony. My advice is to use your Pony AO as it was intended. Non Modified. You run the risk of breaking it or worse getting
in trouble.
at 2016-09-29, 20:48
Tailmon1 Resident