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TPELatexGirl Resident
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created by Gaudin.Himmel at 2015-10-11, 19:57
last reply: 2025-02-05, 07:48
Replies: 2
Hi all, My name is Gaudin Himmel. some of you may remember me from the Highland Stable a few years ago. Since I closed down the Stable, money issues, I have moved to a different Virtual World called InWorldz. I'm noy going to try and sell the idea of InWorldz to anyone, but ask the SL pony community to help me set up a ponygirl community here. It's something I really miss. It's unfortunate, but InWorldz doesn't have anything for the ponygirl right now and what I'm asking you to do is maybe at least bring over the freebie and what I think used to be full perm ponygirl AO animations. It would be a start and I'm sure we can at least but together some basic tack as a freebie starter kit.
If you can do this for me and come to InWorldz, you can find me in the People Search.
Thank you for reading this
Gaudin Himmel.
at 2015-10-11, 19:57
Gaudin Himmel
Hi anyone need a untamed human stallion?
at 2015-10-13, 06:16
Cadefonsipony Resident