Random Pony
lil cluny
Home Stable: Estancia Libelula
Owner: Kresten McBride
Winterfox is returning to the Pony World after some years away.
She also has been been known as Mischief and as Mouse
She plays for the joy of being a pony, and is mostly non-competitive,
except against herself.
She enjoys going to events - but is not there to beat others.
Frequenting several arenas to practice her skills, she is rarely found in one place for long.
Her favorite exercise is at steeples - she also enjoys
slaloms and barrels and is learning flower dressage.
Friendly, but rather shy with strangers, especially if she's working alone.
Likely to bolt if startled, embarassed or appproached too quickly. Please IM first.
Does not like to be crowded, but usually won't bite or kick -- at least not without warning.
This pony has a stubborn personality, and tends to be very hard on herself. She will practice
until she begins to tire and falter, which drives her to push harder, setting up a failure cycle.
(Please attempt to get her to stop if you see this behavior.)
Quite fond of apple slices and sugar cubes, not so fond of carrots.