Random Pony
shey tiratzo
Long time in SL, read lots about pony play but no real training. Some experience in cart pulling, and definitely interested in more training.
I'm very much a bondagette, so my pony preferences follow that. I prefer to be locked in tack, with RLV restrictions in place to match the restraints. In particular I prefer touch to be blocked if my hands are covered. Ponies shouldn't open doors on their own anyway!
I have something of a love/hate relationship with mouselook. I use it a lot when doing pony excersizes, and will accept being locked in it while training, but I find being locked in it permanently more annoying than fun. SL is a visual medium, and I very much like being able to see my predicament.
I also make an effort to never emote-talk. If I have a bit in my mouth, I only make pony noises. If you need an answer to a question, ask it in a way that can be answered as a yes or no. :P