Random Pony

EmmaRayRay Resident
EmmaRayRay Resident


#157 by sprout evergarden
on 2024-08-14 18:08:42
hello somthing i odd it says i have no profile.

#155 by ashe kytori
on 2024-08-04 20:08:35

#154 by kalliecelestial skydancer
on 2024-06-09 19:06:32

#153 by sarahjane footman
on 2024-05-19 07:05:04

#152 by danijade dagostino
on 2024-04-21 18:04:54
Hi everyone

#151 by danijade dagostino
on 2024-04-21 18:04:47
Hi everyone

#157 by sprout evergarden
on 2024-08-14 18:08:42
hello somthing i odd it says i have no profile.

#155 by ashe kytori
on 2024-08-04 20:08:35

#154 by kalliecelestial skydancer
on 2024-06-09 19:06:32

#153 by sarahjane footman
on 2024-05-19 07:05:04

#152 by danijade dagostino
on 2024-04-21 18:04:54
Hi everyone

#151 by danijade dagostino
on 2024-04-21 18:04:47
Hi everyone
Login to whinny

PFS Polo Tournament "Enter the Zoo" (Polo)

on 2017-09-02 at PFS - Ponies From Space

PFS - Pony Polo Tournament - Enter the Zoo - 02-09-2017


a.) Introduction
b.) Team Creation
c.) Theme Selection
d.) Registration
e.) Ruleset
f.) Pre-tournament practice
g.) Special Thanks


a.) Introduction

Greetings :)

I am composing this notecard to proudly announce an upcoming polo tournament to be held at the Ponies from space competitive arena on Saturday September 2nd - commencing at 10am.

This polo tournament will be the first of its kind in its use of a newly developed aesthetically gorgeous field, that utilizes new mechanics and statistical recording. This will not be a stable centric tournament and is designed to encourage friends to team up and take to the field. Hopefully, with the players cooperation this will be a fun and memorable event in the true spirit of pony play.

Hopefully the theme (section b and c) and ruleset (section e) will add some flavor to the proceedings, furthermore all games will be video recorded and uploaded for viewing following the completion of the tournament, and heck a funky video montage to commemorate the games may also been an end goal.

Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 teams in what will be a knock out tournament. Depending on the amount of participants I may opt to stretch the tournament over the 2 day weekend but will announce that when registration closes on Wednesday the 30th of August.

Due to us using a new field there will be a series of dates listed below (section f) detailing practice sessions being regularly held up until the tournament.

Prizes will be provided to all participants, please see below for a sneak preview of the ribbons, certificates and trophies we have had made specifically for this tournament.

Finally there will be a method of applying as a solo player and we will help find you a team mate if required.

I sincerely hope to see as many ponies as possible opt to participate in what should be a unique tournament.

/me Whinnies Cheerily



b.) Team Creation

To inject some flavor into proceedings this little tournament will adopt animal themed teams. Below in section c is a list of various animals, when registering your team please select 3 of those, an option a, an option b and an option C. Animal themes will be given to teams based on a first come first serve basis with option a being your preferred choice.
Example : Team 1 selects a - The Lions, b - The Tigers, c- The Bears
Team 2 selects a - The Lions, b - The Peacocks, c - The Sparrows.
Team 1 registers first and would be assigned The Lions, team 2 would be assigned The Peacocks.

Though thematic tack isn't required it is encouraged, and I sincerely hope to see The Hedgehogs battle The Lions in a dramatic grand finale.


c.) Theme Selection
Below is a list of possible animals teams are able to select on registration, please pick from the following when completing your registration form.

The Lions The Rhinos The Sparrows The Tigers The Komodo Dragons
The Parrots The Hedgehogs The Eagles The Turtles The Cows
The Lambs The Pussy Cats The Gazelles The Jaguars The Elephants
The Wolves The Huskies The Bears The Buffalo's The Bluebirds
The Sharks The Barracudas The Piranhas The Crocodiles The Hyena's
The Squirrels The Cobra's The Vipers The Ducks The Aardvarks
The Bunnies The Piggies The Giraffes The Zebras The Cougars


d.) Registration
Please fill out one of the following notecards and submit it to me (Seras.Resident) before Wednesday the 23rd of August. You should receive an IM within 24hours confirming that your registration has been received. If no IM is received please re-submit or contact me directly.

Team Registration􀀃
Solo Registration􀀂
Please don't hesitate to contact me (Seras.Resident) regarding any queries with the application or any information pertaining to this tournament.

e.) Ruleset

Please find below a detailed listing of the applicable ruleset for this tournament. Teams that fail to comply to all of the rules listed here will be disbarred from participating during tournament play.

i.) Teams are to be composed of 2 ponies only.
ii.) Matches will run for 10 minutes.
iii.) In the event of a draw, sudden death will be entered where the first team to score will proceed to the next round.
iv.) There will be a 5 goal mercy rule in effect. Any team that assumes a 5 goal lead will win their match and the match will end.
v.) All participants are required to wear pony-centric footwear, a bridle/gag/muzzle/hood, mittens, hooves or to have their arms bound in some fashion.
v.) All participants are required to wear the following items:

a.) Headwear consisting of a bridle, gag, muzzle, or hood.
b.) Pony-centric footwear, such as hooves.
c.) Arms bound in some fashion, such as hand-hooves, mittens, or arm-binders.
d.) A tail, however due to the themed nature of this tournament, it does not need to be a pony-centric tail and can either be inserted or physically attached.

vi.) When called to the pitch for a match there is a 3 minute grace period for ponies to respond and enter the polo field.
vii.) The 3 minute grace period does not include time required to restart due to technical issues or being unable to see an opponent.
viii.) In the event of a participant crashing during a match and not returning within the grace period their team will forfeit.
ix.) In the event of a participant not returning within the allocated grace period, the remaining team member can opt to continue solo or forfeit.
x.) Participants are required to bow/curtsy to their opponents prior to the commencement of a match.
xi.) In the event of a technical issue, a 2 minute time out may be called once per team per match to rectify issues. This time out can only be called during the opening 30 seconds of a match or following a goal being scored, prior to the next ball drop.


f.) Pre-Tournament Practice

As this tournament will be held on a newly developed polo field, please find below dates and times for practice sessions to be held at the PFS Arena.

Tuesday 15th August - 11:00 > 14:00 SLT
Thursday 17th August - 11:00 > 14:00 SLT
Sunday 20th August - 11:00 > 14:00 SLT
Wednesday 23nd August - 11:00 > 14:00 SLT
Sunday 27th August- 11:00 > 14:00 SLT

g.) Special Thanks
Ariel.Erlanger - For her efforts in building a brand new polo field and associated distribution.
Nico.Waxen - For providing a fabulous sim and venue to host this tournament.

Thank you for taking the time to read this document




Place Pony Name
1. The Cows (Taka Salome & Hephestuscolt Resident)
2. The Bears (BunnyH34rt Resident & Andromeda Lamplight)
3. The Hyenas (Pr1n Resident & Pigwitchhouse Resident)
4. The Aardvarks (Geneveive Bellflower & GraceEmpathy Resident)
5. The Hedgehogs (Nico Waxen & Ralna Payne)
6. The Wolves (Myztery Nizna & Kemindul Resident(
7. The Jaguars (Aoife Lawson & Sirenis Resident)
8. The Tigers (Freyjahansen Resident & Cin Short)
9. The Dragons (Stacey Westminster & Stormcrow Echegaray)
10. The Bunnies (Genara Stromfield & HeatherBroadchest Resident)