Random Pony
Winterfest Barrel Race
Blackwater Farm
Start: January 24 @ 10pm SLT
End: January 25 @ 10pm SLT
Run Limit: 30
The residents of Frostbite Forest are mostly friendly and polite as a new barrel race course winds through their delightful little village. But one resident feels otherwise… be sure to look for her! This cute track will test your skills and make you laugh at the same time.
This is a 24-hour race beginning at 10:00pm on January 24 with a run limit of 30. The race will be held in the Blackwater Stadium. Please be considerate of others and do not enter the competition sim without first checking that the course is clear.
Blackwater Stadium: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Blackwater%20Farm/138/9/498
Winterfest Information: https://www.blackwater-sl.net/winterfest/